Each document type in Qbil-Trade requires users to set up the numbering in the numbering scheme screen. The numbering-scheme screen can be found by clicking the Admin icon in the top right section of Qbil-Trade. From the ‘Administration’ menu a new submenu of administrative options will open up. Click on ‘Numbering schemes’ to open up the numbering scheme screen.
A numbering scheme can have various logics in place. Qbil-Trade supports these logics by allowing a set of items to be used in the prefix. A prefix is considered any logic that precedes that actual document counter. If subsidiary Qbil-Trade has the following number for its sales contracts: QT SC 20230001. Then “QT SC 2023” is considered the prefix in this particular example, and 0001 is considered the document counter. To support this logic we have the following items available:
- [Y] prints out a full year into the prefix, such as ‘2023’
- [y] prints out a short version of the year into the prefix, such as ’23’
- [m] prints out the current month in digits into the prefix, such as ’07’ for July
- [P] prints out the default numbering prefix (P for purchase contracts, S for sales contracts, D for regular sales invoices, and C for negative amount/credit sales invoices)
A couple of things to note here:
- It is preferred only to use numbers for the sales invoice numbering scheme. Numerous accounting systems decline or cannot import sales invoices that have prefixes that include characters
- The transport order numbering scheme is kept equal to the order numbering scheme, no separate numbering scheme can be set here
Furthermore it is important to note that if you work with more than 1 subsidiary in Qbil-Trade you can either set a numbering per subsidiary, or the same numbering logic for all subsidiaries at once.
There is also a function to let a new numbering sequence start from a certain date. This does not mean that you have to set a new numbering scheme each year as the [Y] function will automatically pick the current year. When the new year starts, Qbil-Trade will automatically pick the next year in the numbering scheme and begin at 1 again. In the case of QT20230099, the first file created in 2024 would automatically become QT20240001.
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