General Description #
The Pre-Payment report gives you an overview of all orders(inbound and outbound) that are prepaid (either fully or partially). The report allows you to get a summary of the advance amount you have received and paid for goods and sales invoices.
The report is available only for customers with configuration pre-payment enabled.
Columns #
The report enlists all the orders(inbound and outbound) that have prepaid invoices associated with them.
- Subsidiary: The name of the operating subsidiary for the order is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Subsidiary that owns the contract/lot”.
- Order number: The order number is given in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Order number”.
- Relation name: The company name of the customer/supplier associated with the related contract is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Buyer/Seller of the product”.
- Contract number: The contract number related to the order is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Contract number”.
- Source Quantity: The total quantity per the source side of the orderline is given in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Source quantity”.
- Payment Condition: The payment terms selected for the related contract of the order are displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Payment condition”.
- Currency: The currency used in the contract related to the order is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Currency”.
- Base Currency: The currency of the operating subsidiary for the order is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Base currency.”
- Contract Value in F.C.: The value of the ordered quantity in the currency used for the related contract is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Total contract value in foreign currency”.
- Calculation: Contract Value in F.C. = orderline quantity * price per 1000kg(as per related contract and contract currency)/1000.
- Contract Value in Base currency.: The value of the ordered quantity in the base currency of the subsidiary is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Total contract value in foreign currency”.
- Calculation: Contract Value in Base currency = orderline quantity * price per 1000kg(as per related contract and base currency)/1000.
- Quantity unit: The quantity unit used in the contract related to the order is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Unit used in quantity.”
- Prepayment percent: The pre-paid percentage of the total amount of the order is displayed in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Pre-paid percentage from the total contract value”.
- Prepayment currency: The currency used for the pre-payment is displayed in this column. The value is fetched from the proforma section of the contract related to the order and if there are multiple proforma invoices associated with an order with different currencies, all the currencies used will be displayed, separated with a comma. On hover, displays the info text “Currency used in pre-payment”.
- Prepayment amount F.C: The pre-paid amount from the order in currency used in proforma invoices is displayed in this column. The value is fetched from the proforma section of the contract related to the order. On hover, displays the info text “Pre-paid amount in foreign currency”.
- Prepayment amount Base currency: The pre-paid amount from the order in the base currency of the subsidiary is displayed in this column. The value is fetched from the proforma section of the contract related to the order. On hover, displays the info text “Pre-paid amount in base currency”.
- Remaining percentage: The remaining unpaid percentage from the ordered quantity is given in this column. On hover, displays the info text “Remaining percentage unpaid from the contract”.
- Calculation: Remaining percentage = 100% – Pre-Payment percent.
- Remaining amount in F.C.: The value of the remaining quantity in contract currency is given in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Remaining amount in Foreign Currency”.
- Remaining amount in Base currency.: The value of the remaining quantity in the accounting currency of the operating subsidiary is given in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Remaining amount in Base Currency”.
- Pricing Unit: This column specifies the pricing unit used for the product in the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Unit the contract is priced in.”
- Payment date: The date of the pre-payment added in the proforma invoice of the contract is displayed in this contract. If multiple proforma invoices are associated with an orderline, all the dates are given in the column separated by a comma. On hover, displays the info text “Date of the pre-payment added in the proforma invoice of the contract”.
- Loading date: The loading date of the order is given in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “The loading date of the lot”.
- Unloading date: The unloading date from the order is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Unloading date for the lot”.
- Finalized: Whether the order is finalised or is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Finalized”.
- Invoice supplier numbers: The supplier’s invoice number is displayed in this column. The value is fetched from the field “Invoice no. Creditor” of the purchase invoice related to the order. On hover, displays the info text “Supplier’s invoice number”.