General description #
The Mark-to-Market prices report is a customised report that gives you the difference between the contract prices and the market prices of the planned products. With respect to these prices, the profit(in positive) or loss (in negative) amount for your planned quantity as per the market price is calculated. The market price of a product is fetched from the market price module. The market price has significance for the products used in sales contracts or stock relocation only.
The report also gives the overall economical stock position of your products. In other words, it includes all the planned and delivered quantities from contracts (purchase and sales) and various stock movements. Using the filters you can get the position of each product or product group.
You can also calculate the total and aggregated values of the various planned quantities by dragging the required columns into the values panel of a report.
Columns #
- Product group: This column gives the group of the product for which the other details are given. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Product group the product belongs to.”
- LIne type: This column displays the type of the line whether the purchase, sales or stock re-location. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Line type.”
- Product code: The code of the product used in the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Short code of the product.”
- Relation name: This column displays the relation of the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Buyer/Seller of the product.”
- Contract number: This column displays the contract number for the purchase or sale contracts. For stock movements, this column shows no value. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Contract number.”
- Currency: The currency used in the contract is displayed in this contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Currency”.
- Price per ton: This column displays the price per ton as per the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “price per 1000 units.”
- Reference price per ton: This column displays the reference price per ton entered in the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Referentie ppt.”
- Packaging: The packaging of the product used in the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Packing of the product.”
- Comments: The column displays the remarks of the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Remarks.”
- To be delivered quantity: The column displays the remaining quantity of the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Open contract quantity.”
- Planned quantity: The quantity from the contract that has been used in the order but is not yet finalized is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “planned contract quantity.”
- Total: This column gives the total planned quantity in planning months as per the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Total.”
- Market price: The market price of the product is displayed in this column. The price is set at the sub-module ‘Market price’ in the product management in root data separately for each product. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Market price.”
- Exchange rate: This column displays the value of the exchange rate of this particular contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Currency exchange rate.”
- Dates: Next follows the “months of planning columns” and the “months of difference” columns. The months of planning columns display the quantity planned for each month as per the contract. The month of difference columns gives the difference between the market price and price per ton for the planned quantity in the respective month.