General description #
The stock mutation report in Qbil-Trade gives you an overview of all the mutations associated with lots, including revaluations and remainders. The report contains information about the product quantities that have been ordered and those that are yet to be ordered. It also indicates whether or not the order has been finalised. All sales and purchase contracts, as well as orders (stock mutations), are reported in this single report. This report shows the amount of product that is yet to be ordered as well as the amount that has already been ordered.
The stock mutation report retrieves information from contracts, production orders, orders, and lots. This report contains all the general information about a mutation, such as loading date, warehouse name, contract number, and Ref. No., supplier name, and so on. It also provides basic product information, stock balance, and other stock information.
Additional Filters #
The additional filter available for the report is the date range. Date Range Filter is used to limit the report’s results to data that falls between the dates chosen for “From Date” and “To Date.” The date Range Filter is used on the Date column, which shows the date that the stock order was loaded.
Columns #
- Subsidiary: The column displays the name of the subsidiary that owns the stock lot stored in the warehouse. On hover, it displays the short info text “Subsidiary that owns the contract/lot”.
- Date: The date column displays the date on which the stock was loaded. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Date”.
- Warehouse: The warehouse column displays the name of the warehouse where the product is stored. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Warehouse where the lot is stored”.
- Product code: The product code column displays the shortcode of the product in the warehouse. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Short code of the product”.
- Packaging: This column displays the type of packing used for the product. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Packing of the product”.
- Quantity per packing: This column displays the standard by which the packing is measured or weighed. On hover, the column displays the short info text “weight per packing”.
- No. of Packing: This column displays the number of packings used for the product. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Amount of packing”.
- Contract Number: The purchase contract number is mentioned in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Contract number”.
- Order number: This column displays the order number. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Order number”.
- Production Order: This column displays the production order number. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Production order”.
- Quantity: The ordered quantity of the product is shown in this column. The negative quality balance represents sales. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Quantity per contract line”.
- Balance: The amount of the product that is yet to be ordered is shown in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Balance”.
- Price Per MT: This column displays the price of the stock product per ton(1000 kg). On hover, the column displays the short info text “Price per 1000 units”.
- Quantity Unit: The quantity unit of the contract is displayed in this column. For incoming mutation, it displays the quantity unit from the related purchase contract. For outgoing orders, it shows the quantity unit of the related sales contract. In case of a revaluation, this column displays the quantity unit of the source contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Unit used in quantity.”
- Pricing Unit: The pricing unit of the contract is displayed in this column. the pricing unit is used for invoicing orders. For incoming mutation, it displays the pricing unit from the related purchase contract. For outgoing orders, it shows the pricing unit of the related sales contract. In case of a revaluation, this column displays the pricing unit of the source contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Unit the contract is priced in.”
- Debtor number: This column displays the debtor or creditor number of the supplier. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Debtor ID number”.
- Relation name: The name of the supplier of the product is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Buyer/seller of the product”.
- Invoice number: The Invoice number for the products that have been ordered is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “The invoice number”.
- Incoming or outgoing mutation: This column displays whether the product is inbound or outbound. For inbound orders, it displays “i”, for outbound it shows “u”. On hover, the column displays the short info text “incoming or outgoing mutation”.
- Finalised: This column displays whether the order is finalised or not. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Finalised”.
- Our reference: This column displays the lot number of the stock, it gets generated by the system and is used as a reference number. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Reference number of the lot as known by the subsidiary”.
- Customs Reference Number.: This column displays the data from the customs reference number field that is filled per order line. This is only done by companies licensed to manage and store customs goods. Documents that contain this number are for example Doc EX1, Doc T1 etc. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Customs number field for Doc EX1, Doc T1 etc”.