Excel Reports

General description #

Reports are documents that provide planned and statistical data and usually serve a specific purpose. Qbil-Trade provides dozens of reports with real-time insights, figures, and statistics. The reports are the system’s primary outputs and allow you to gain insight into the trading information. Various reports are available, including those that analyze planning, stock, contracts, currency position, and profit loss. The data in the reports are available in real-time, thus providing you with updated data.

In Qbil-Trade, four categories of reports are available, separated into four columns as per their purpose. The columns are as follows:

Qbil-Trade Excel reports run on windows. It is necessary to install the latest reporting assistant and ODBC driver, which are automatically offered to you by Qbil-Trade upon opening the reporting screen. You can open and view these reports in Microsoft Excel. Excel reports providing all Microsoft Excel features, including filtering, sorting, grouping, hiding, and pinning per column. Date filters are available in some reports, allowing you to filter data according to the “From” and “To” dates.

You can show/hide the reports in the excel version by clicking the “Wijzigen/Edit” button on the excel reports overview screen and then clicking the report links.

Important notice: Removal of Excel reports #

We are upgrading Qbil-Trade to make our software better, more compatible, and easier to use. As part of this process, we are removing Excel version of reports and replacing them with the web version. The new Web Reports feature is already available and has done what it was meant to do: make creating reports easier and faster. With the new Web Reports feature, you can use the reporting tool right in your web browser. You don’t have to install Excel, a reporting assistant, or an ODBC driver. The web report tools also have a number of advanced features, such as the ability to make custom reports, export the reports in excel, share reports, and so on.

We know that this may be a big change for some of our users, so we’re working hard to make sure the change goes smoothly. You can look at the web report’s documentation for more information, and our customer support team will be available to answer any questions or deal with any concerns you may have.


What are your feelings
Updated on September 19, 2024


Accounts and Financial

  • Unable to find invoice for export in current month

    Invoices are displayed on the export screen in a particular month. The month of the invoice is taken from the invoice date and not from another date, such as the due date.

    The invoice date is therefore leading in terms of month for export periods. For example: Invoice date 22-05-2022 and due date 15-06-2022. This invoice will appear in the export under the month May.