How can I archive a relation that is no longer in use?

In Qbil-Trade, you cannot delete a relation that is still being used. Even if a relation is being used in any type of mutation, it will not be possible to delete it. This is done to ensure that the traceability within Qbil-Trade is maintained and to prevent any errors from occurring due to missing data.

“If you want to prevent a relation from being used for new contracts, you can use the ‘hidden’ checkmark function in the relation screen. This will archive the relation in Qbil-Trade, but it won’t be usable for future contracts.”

Steps to perform this action #

  1. Go to the relation screen.
  2. Mark the checkbox ‘hidden’ and press save.

The relation is now hidden and will not be usable for future contracts.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 14, 2024
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Accounts and Financial

  • Unable to find invoice for export in current month

    Invoices are displayed on the export screen in a particular month. The month of the invoice is taken from the invoice date and not from another date, such as the due date.

    The invoice date is therefore leading in terms of month for export periods. For example: Invoice date 22-05-2022 and due date 15-06-2022. This invoice will appear in the export under the month May.