General description #
The commercial position list is a customized position list report that shows the position of your products based on the non-delivered quantities. The report includes delivered quantities based on finalized and pre-finalized order lines. Monthly column values are calculated by subtracting delivered quantities from previous months’ values, not planned quantities. The report includes both open and closed contracts.
Furthermore, the report offers analysis percentages for various product quality specifications as per the contract.
Columns #
- Type: This column shows the type of the contract: Purchase or Sales. On hover, it displays the info text “Type”.
- Subsidiary: This column shows the subsidiary for which this contract has been made. On hover, it displays the info text “Subsidiary that owns the contract/lot”.
- Contract number: This column shows the contract number. The column value is obtained from the contract. On hover, displays the info text “Contract number”.
- Warehouse ref.: This is the reference number entered by a user in the order line or production order. This number is supplied by the warehouse at which the lot is being stored. On hover, it displays the info text “Reference number of the lot as known by the warehouse”.
- Reference number: This is the reference number entered by a user in the order line or production order. This number is generated in Qbil-Trade and not supplied by the warehouse. On hover, it displays the info text “Reference number”.
- Broker: The broker will have their contract number involved in a trade between the subsidiary and the supplier. For each contract, a user can choose a broker. The user can enter the broker contract number in the field. On hover, it displays the info text “Broker”.
- Broker contract: This will display the contract number associated with the broker. On hover, it displays the info text “Broker contract”.
- Relation name: The buyer or the seller of the product used in the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Buyer/seller of the product”.
- Product code: This column displays the shortcode of the product used in the contract line. On hover, it displays the info text “Short code of the product”.
- Sustainability details: The column gives the sustainability details of the product. On hover, it displays the info text “Sustainability details”.
- Product group: This column displays the product group of the product associated with the order. On hover, it displays the info text “Product group”.
- Country of origin: The column displays the product’s origin from where it was imported. This value is obtained from the contract line. On hover, it displays the info text “Country of origin”.
- Packaging: The packaging of the product is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the info text “Packing of product”.
- Unit: This column displays the unit for a product. There can be more than 1 product in a contract, so this should be seen as a unit per product. On hover, it displays the info text “Quantity unit”.
- Currency: The column displays the currency used in the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Contract Currency.”
- Comments: Remarks chosen in the contract are displayed in this column. These remarks are placed in the stock lot UI per stock lot. On hover, it displays the info text “Remarks”.
- Delivery Condition: These are the incoterms or delivery conditions agreed per contract, who need to pick/ship it up from/until where. On hover, it displays the message “Delivery Condition”.
- Location/Delivery Address: This displays the location or delivery address of the stock lot of the contract. On hover, it displays the text message “Address chosen for delivery”.
- Status: The column displays whether the contract is closed or active(open). On hover, it displays the message “Status”.
- Pricing Unit: The pricing unit as per the contract is displayed in this contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Quantity per contract line.”
- Quantity: This column will give the total quantity of the product mentioned in the contract. On hover, it displays the message “Unit the contract is priced in”.
- Price per ton in EURO: This column will display the product’s total price per 1000 units in EUROS used in the contract line. On hover, it displays the message “Prijs per ton in euro”.
- Price per ton in F.C.: The column shows the price per 1000 units as per the currency of the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Price per 1000 units in foreign currency.”
- Delivered: The column displays the value of the finalized quantities in orderline. This shows the historical/ invoiced field value of the contract. On hover, it displays the message “Delivered Quantity”.
- To be delivered quantity: Quantity on a contract that is not delivered yet or planned is displayed in this column. On hover, it displays the message “Open contract quantity”.
- Calculations: To be delivered quantity = Quantity – Delivered – Amortized.
- Amortized: This will display the amortized quantity mentioned in the contract. On hover, it displays the message “Extra booked-off quantity”.
- Planned Quantity: This is the sum of all quantities of orders that are planned for purchase or sales. This does not apply to reserved orders with “destination: stock”. On hover, it displays the message “Planned contract quantity”.
- Not planned: This column will display the ‘To be delivered’ quantity value. On hover, it displays the message “Not planned”.
- Product analysis columns: These columns will display the total percentage of the chemical composition and nutritional values in a product.
- Planning months columns: These columns will display the amount planned in respective months in the planning section of the contract.
Note: Please note that, on occasion, the position list report is customized for each Qbil-Trade customer. Accordingly, not every column this article defines may apply to you.