General description #
Rederijen report is a customized report in Qbil-Trade that provides data in pivot tables, that is, summed and aggregated data as per the multiple checkboxes selected in the pivot table fields of the report.
Columns #
The checkboxes available for the report are:
- afroep(order): On selecting the afroep checkbox, the report will display the sum of all the orders to date.
- Closing date: On selecting the closing date checkbox, all the closing dates of the orders along with the quarters and years will be displayed in the report in multiple rows.
- Containers: The containers checkbox provides the sum of containers used in all the orders by the subsidiary in various years and quarters of these years.
- kantoor van uitgang (customs office of exit): The checkbox displays all the customs offices selected in the “Kantoor van uitgang” field of the orders.
- Quarter: The quarter represents the quarters of a year. This column represents the data along with various other checkboxes in different quarters of years.
- Transporter: The transporter checkboxes retrieve the names of all the transporters used for the orders.
- Years: The years’ checkbox also works along with other data checkboxes and provides data or the sum of data in multiple years.
All these checkboxes can be used in multiple ways as per your requirements to create a customized table.