General description #
Textlines report gives the overview of all the textlines added in the root data of the company. These textlines are used on various screens for various purposes. These text lines can be a short description of the product certification, content, instruction about product handling or any other information that you want to print on your documents.
Columns #
- Textlines: The code of the textline added in the textlines screen is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays a short info text “Textlines”.
- Remarks: Any remarks added to the textline in the “Comments” field of the textline screen are displayed in this column. On hover, displays the short info text, “Remarks chosen for the contract or placed at stock lot.”
- Extra field present: The column represents whether the checkbox “Extra field” is checked for the textline or not. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Extra field present”.
- Extra field required: On hover, the column shows the short infotext “Extra field required”.
- Contract1 – Contract10: These columns show whether the various checkboxes related to the position of textlines on the contract screen are checked for the textline or not.
- Has Transport order: When the checkbox “Carrier order” has been marked for a textline, this column shows “yes” otherwise displays “No”. The checkbox represents whether the textline will be available in the dropdown textline of a transport/Carrier order. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Has transport order”.
- Has Sales invoice: This column denotes whether the checkbox “Sales invoice” has been marked for the text line or not. The checkbox represents the textline will be available in the textline drop-down of a sales invoice. On hover, the column displays a short text “Has sales invoice”.
- Multi-language descriptions: These columns show the descriptions added to the various language columns in the textlines screen.