General description #
An overview of all sales offers and contracts (of these offers) created in Qbil-Trade is provided by the offertes (offer) report. In the report, the offers and contracts (if any) associated with those offers are displayed separately. The report provides specifics on these offers for each product (if multiple products are added to the offer). The report can be used to track information about the various prices that were previously calculated for the offered goods and agreed upon for those contracts.
Columns #
- Contract number: The contract number or sales offer number of the offer is given in the column. On hover, displays the short info text “Contract number”.
- Relation name: The company of the relation (buyer) of the offer/contract is displayed in the column. On hover, displays the short info text “Buyer/Seller of the product”.
- Date: The column displays the contract creation date to the offer. On hover, displays the short info text “Date”.
- Offer_valid_until: The column gives the date entered in the field “offerte geldig t/m” (Offer valid up to) of the related offer screen. On hover, displays the short info text “offer valid until”.
- Product Code: The code of the product is displayed in this column. The value is fetched from the field “Product” of the related product from the offer. On hover, displays the short info text “Short code of the product”.
- Packaging code: The column displays the packaging of the product. This value is retrieved from the field “Packaging” of the related product from the offer. On hover, displays the short info text “packaging code”.
- Order nr.: The order number related to the offer (or contract) is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “Order number.”
- Currency: The column gives the currency used for the offer(or contract). On hover, displays the short info text “Currency”.
The next columns give the different prices like recipe prices, packaging price, margin, commission, etc from the precalculation menu of the product.
- Selling price) The product price added in the offer for the product is given in this column. On hover, displays the short info text “Selling price”.