General Description #
The weekly position list report shows your planned contracts for the next 6 weeks. This report provides detailed planning information to help you make trade decisions. You can filter and extract data by product group and individual products, including subtotals and total contract quantities for deliveries. In the report, purchased quantities are shown as positive numbers, and sales quantities are shown as negative numbers.
The report is available only for customers with configuration contracten.planning_period set to weekly.
Columns #
- Subsidiary: This column shows the subsidiary for which this contract has been made. The user chooses this manually in the subsidiary drop-down. On hover, it displays the info text “Subsidiary that owns the contract/lot.”
- Product group: This column displays the group of the product. On hover, it displays the info text “The product group the product belongs to.”
- Product code: This column will display the shortcode of the product. On hover, it displays the info text “Short code of the product.”
- Type: This column shows the type of the contract: Purchase, Sales, Stock, etc. On hover, it displays the info text “Type.”
- Our reference: This column gives “our ref. number” from the lot screen in the case of the stock type and the contract number in the case of the purchase or sales contract type. On hover, it displays the info text “The reference number of the lot as known by the subsidiary.”
- Warehouse reference: The reference number of the lot is known by the warehouse. This is the reference number that you entered in the production order or order line. This number is provided by the warehouse at which the lot is being stored. On hover, it displays the info text “The reference number of the lot as known by the warehouse.”
- Their reference: The supplier/customer reference . number from the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Their reference.”
- Relation: The column displays relation associated with the lot. For example, the buyer and supplier for sales and purchase types. For stock type, the loading address of the warehouse is displayed in the column. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Relation.”
- Supplier relation: The column displays the supplier from which the lot was originally purchased. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Supplier relation.”
- Origin: The column displays the origin of the product as per the contract associated with it. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “origin.”
- Packaging: The packaging of the product is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Packaging.”
- Remarks: This column shows the purchase/sales contract or stock remarks. On hover, it displays the info text “Remarks chosen in the contract or placed at stock lot”.
- Internal Remarks: The column displays the internal remarks from the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Internal contract remarks.”
- Reference price: The column displays the reference price per ton as per the contract (or contract line in the case of multiple products per contract). On hover, the column displays the short info text “Reference Price.”
- Brokers: This column will display the name of the broker involved in this contract. Hover over the column, displaying the info text “Brokers.”
- Broker agreement: The column displays the broker contract number associated with the broker agreement of the contract. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “Broker agreement.”
- Pricing unit: The pricing unit used in the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the short info text “unit the contract is priced in.”
- Price per tn: This column will show the price per 1000 kg as per the contract. On hover, it displays the info text “Price per 1000 units.”
- Currency: The currency in which the contract has been made. On hover, it displays the info text “Currency.”
- Quantity unit: The quantity unit used in the contract is displayed in this column. On hover, the column displays the info text “Quantity unit.”
- Quantity: The column displays the total quantity of the contract. On hover, it displays the info text “Quantity per contract line”.
- Delivered quantity: The column displays the delivered quantity of the contract. On hover, it displays the info text “delivered qty.”
- Amortized quantity: The column displays the amortized quantity of the contract. On hover, it displays the info text “amortized qty.”
- Remaining quantity: This is the quantity of a contract or a stock lot that has not been sold yet. This free quantity also includes any re-evaluated quantity added to the lot. On hover, it displays the info text “Remaining Quantity.”.
- Open quantity: The column displays the order quantity with the order date 00-00-0000, which will be shown as open quantity. On hover, it displays the info text “Open quantity.”
- Previous weeks: The sum of the quantity of all the weeks that haven’t been delivered yet on a contract until the current week. On hover, the column displays the short info text, “previous weeks.”
- Current week: The current week displays the quantity planned for the current week yet to be delivered.
- Next weeks: Next follows the column for 5 weeks, which displays the planned quantity for each week that is yet to be delivered.
- Future: The future column displays the total quantity planned after 6 weeks yet to be delivered.